Some Chocolate Cake To Go With That?
Sunday, March 01, 2009 Posted In choclate cake , humiliation , new car , Principal Edit This 24 Comments »
I'm not sure why I haven't been my normal, cheerful, happy self these past couple of days. I've been snapping at people on the phone and via email. I know... it's totally unlike me. I am usually so engaging and fabulous. I blame the stomach virus which laid me up for the last two days. It felt like three tigers were trying to claw their way out of my abdomen and I had to visit the bathroom so often, I was having panic attacks at the thought of being more than ten steps away from the toilet. If I don't lose some weight out of this I will be very, very annoyed! (and still fat)
But the worst thing is that my visiting teacher, hearing of my ailment, brought me a decadent chocolate cake filled with chocolate mousse and dripping with melted chocolate. Why? Why?? I could only look on sadly while the rest of the family wolfed it down.
So anyway... A day or so ago, M was so late home from school that I jumped in my (new) car and drove up the road looking for him. I found him, trudging home with a dejected look on his face. I started laying into him about how he is not supposed to muck around after school and how worried I was etc etc when he burst into tears and tearily (is that a word?) told me about the three enormous boys who waylaid him. They threw pine cones at him, one of which got caught in his bike wheel and flipped him off his bike, hence the walking home instead of riding. And that was not all that these ferocious kids did. They tackled the poor child and beat the crap out of him. Yes, I am very lucky that the sorry child in front of me was still intact. He showed me his wounds... some scrapes and burgeoning bruises and all the anger went out of me and naturally, transferred to these little demons who had the nerve to hurt my child!
I got on the phone and called the principal and vented to her forthwith! I told her about the monsters who attacked my poor defenseless boy! I told her he has never complained about something like this before. I told her the monster's names. I told her "something needed to be done!" She was horrified and promised to interview them all and get to the bottom of it and let me know how many lashes the bullies would receive.
Imagine my disbelief when the report came back that in fact, M was NOT victimized. He was actually playing with the boys and they were all throwing pine cones at each other. Then they played football, then M came home!
Never mind the fact that M felt he could tell the Principal the truth but lie to his mother. Or, that he made me look like an overreacting, over protective, crazy mum! But what bothers me most is that somebody had to call me and tell me I was WRONG! I even had to APOLOGIZE! Arghhh!
This is what having children means. HUMILIATION. If it hasn't happened to you yet, it will. Wait 'til you find out your kid told a random guy at church what size bra you wear. It's all downhill from there...

P.S. Here is my new car... it's not the actual car (cos I haven't got a decent pic) but is exactly the same as mine right down to the cool wheels. (And no, it does not say $10,888 on the windscreen. It says $19,888... not that this is my car. I just felt like mentioning it.)
But the worst thing is that my visiting teacher, hearing of my ailment, brought me a decadent chocolate cake filled with chocolate mousse and dripping with melted chocolate. Why? Why?? I could only look on sadly while the rest of the family wolfed it down.
So anyway... A day or so ago, M was so late home from school that I jumped in my (new) car and drove up the road looking for him. I found him, trudging home with a dejected look on his face. I started laying into him about how he is not supposed to muck around after school and how worried I was etc etc when he burst into tears and tearily (is that a word?) told me about the three enormous boys who waylaid him. They threw pine cones at him, one of which got caught in his bike wheel and flipped him off his bike, hence the walking home instead of riding. And that was not all that these ferocious kids did. They tackled the poor child and beat the crap out of him. Yes, I am very lucky that the sorry child in front of me was still intact. He showed me his wounds... some scrapes and burgeoning bruises and all the anger went out of me and naturally, transferred to these little demons who had the nerve to hurt my child!
I got on the phone and called the principal and vented to her forthwith! I told her about the monsters who attacked my poor defenseless boy! I told her he has never complained about something like this before. I told her the monster's names. I told her "something needed to be done!" She was horrified and promised to interview them all and get to the bottom of it and let me know how many lashes the bullies would receive.
Imagine my disbelief when the report came back that in fact, M was NOT victimized. He was actually playing with the boys and they were all throwing pine cones at each other. Then they played football, then M came home!
Never mind the fact that M felt he could tell the Principal the truth but lie to his mother. Or, that he made me look like an overreacting, over protective, crazy mum! But what bothers me most is that somebody had to call me and tell me I was WRONG! I even had to APOLOGIZE! Arghhh!
This is what having children means. HUMILIATION. If it hasn't happened to you yet, it will. Wait 'til you find out your kid told a random guy at church what size bra you wear. It's all downhill from there...

P.S. Here is my new car... it's not the actual car (cos I haven't got a decent pic) but is exactly the same as mine right down to the cool wheels. (And no, it does not say $10,888 on the windscreen. It says $19,888... not that this is my car. I just felt like mentioning it.)

24 brilliant observations:
Oooooohhh for a while there I was ready to fly out to Cali to thump a few thugs for you, but then to realize that your son lied to you! I hope you've grounded him from football.
I was going to say the same thing as Camille! I was getting so mad for him!
Love the car!
Yep, your livin' my life, sister. My darling 'victim' is on in-school suspension tomorrow for an incident that he assured me was COMPLETELY precipitated by the other kid. So naturally I went all WMD on the Dean, only to...well, read the end of your blog, it's the same story. Wicked children.
Sweet ride, though! And I'm glad you're back in the game; I was missing you!
I am not looking forward to this part of parenting...
But hey, sweet ride!
What an emotional read. I was feeling so bad for your boy! And then the betrayal. What a roller coaster this parenting stuff is!
The wheels are sweet! Hope you're finally feeling better :)
Royce! How can you dare say "Taylor who"? I'm so disappointed.
I had something similar happen the other day, but it was with the neighbors. Yep, I stormed right over - before she could even call - only to find out my kids were looking mighty guilty...
I can imagine how frustrating this whole experience was. I don't have any children of my own yet, but it is a given that I will experience something like that someday, and react exactly the same you did (or even worse!) Some things are just inevitable.
Btw, great car!
The saddest thing in the world is that children lie. Even our own. Mine included. It's strange. I wish humans did not have that trait built into them. And they learn it at such a young.. young age. My daughter is having all kinds of trouble with her 5 year old over this very thing. They don't seem to 'get it' that they'd be in LESS trouble if they told the truth.
Nice car.
Oh...and what VT would bring over gooey chocolate cake to somebody who was sick. I mean..think about it. Nice for your family though.
KIDS!!!! nuff said.
The car is Great! :)
OK I didn't see that coming AT ALL. I thought the cake would save the day. Who of us has not been beaten to a pulp at school only to come home and find a big chocolate cake waiting for them that makes everything OK?
I'm sorry about the whole non-bullying incident...but it sounds like you handled it well. You were mad when you thought your son was bullied, and even though you didn't want to, you apologized when you found out what happened. Five stars to you!
Sorry about your kiddie/tummy troubles. Kids really can be humiliating in so many ways! (and the plus about the family eating the yummy cake, is well, that THEY ate the cake and it's not on your hips-not that I'm calling you fat, cause I'm not-you just called YOURself fat!)
Thanks for your comments about our Bailey-dog! He is an awesome, irreplaceable animal for sure. We feed him Iams weight control, dry-in-the-bag in the am, and a dried bone treat in the pm, and does great!
maybe your VT will bring another cake after she reads about M.
you deserve it!
love the new car.
Oh my goodness! I can't believe your VT would do that, first off. Sometimes people are so keen to do "something" that they don't really think about what the object of their good deeds really need. I mean, it was nice of her to take care of your family, but what about you?
As for M...goodness gracious! I don't even know what to say to that other than...did he get a good beating from you after that? I know I made up stories as a kid, but nothing like that!
And I love the car. How fun to have something new and running!
Ok, I know this won't make you feel better, but that really cracked me up that your VT brought you chocolate cake in the midst of, or rather because of your stomach flu!! If only I was still living closeby, I would have come right over and taken it off your hands! And in exchange, I would have brought you a sack filled with pinecones to pelt at M. (:
Oh boy, I love how the story changes as soon as I say, "well, I'm going to call your teacher right now." These kids are so sneaky. And you totally should have hid your cake from the rest of the family and kept it in the freezer til you felt better.
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- Doug & Laurel
It is frustrating being a mom sometimes for sure. Never know which twist and turns your going to have to deal with. Sorry you have been ill ---but looking at that snazzy new car ought to make you feel happy eh. Hey, I love how you said "mucking around". That is totally New Zealander isn't it as my son would say that when he got home from his mission in Wellington.
I think the cosmos has inflicted you with the ailment called "irony."
Now it owes you chocolate cake.
I so needed to read this today. You beautiful woman and MOTHER. Love you for defending your son. And the humiliation that you suffered will certainly be good for him. Kids realize what they put their parents through in some of the most random ways. Just him learning that his lieing hurt you will certainly effect him....hugs to you sister. love. stacie
I hope you are feeling better :) I have an award for you on my Blog :)
I have to say I was glad you posted, even if it was all just kind of a miserable time. It makes me realize that kids are kids and we all have to deal with that kind of crap.
If I lived closer I would be all over bringing you another decadent choc cake..well only if I could stay to share it with you!
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