Wednesday, November 04, 2009 Edit This 12 Comments »
Now that Michael Jackson is IN again, my large MJ cd collection is impressing my daughters no end. Surprising because, just a few months ago I was constantly being told to, "Stop with the eighties music already!"
Nowadays, I might be the teensiest bit cool. I can even sing "Billie Jean" all the way through without a kid sneer.
I wonder if I was so musically fickle at that age?
(Picture of C with the Beehives after their Thriller dance at the Halloween party. Truly scary. I mean the amount of hairspray that went into this. Scary. )
Thanks for the picture Maria.
Nowadays, I might be the teensiest bit cool. I can even sing "Billie Jean" all the way through without a kid sneer.
I wonder if I was so musically fickle at that age?
(Picture of C with the Beehives after their Thriller dance at the Halloween party. Truly scary. I mean the amount of hairspray that went into this. Scary. )
Thanks for the picture Maria.

12 brilliant observations:
Props to Michael for never ever being out of style. Crazy big hair on the other hand...? Yeah-I could live without:)
YOu are just too cool.
I'm glad your kids are being exposed to 80's music. Some kids musical knowledge reaches only back to the mid-90's, it's a travesty. We need less Lady Gaga and more Kajagoogoo.
I hope they stayed away from open flames with all that hairspray!
I'm so glad you posted this picture! I needed a copy! What a blast I had teaching those girls that dance. I truly miss being with the YW. Love them!!!
I grew up liking my mom's music, which made me weird to all my friends!
I'm glad your kids see how cool you are!
That picture is so cool! How fun! My kids, surprisingly, LOVE 80's music and surprise me that they can sing some of my favorite songs right a long with me. Yes!!!
Don't you dare be cool! YOu have to be dorky like the rest of us mums.
I've always liked him. After all we crew up together...ok, not together, at the same age/time.He was only 2 years older than me. My daughters love him, especially the thriller song and video. I just saw the movie, "This is It". It was excellent. Go see it, although it made me sad, that he is no longer here. Great post. Love, Joy
Thriller dance Halloween party ---awesome!!
well, sure you may be able to sing Billie Jean.........but can you moon walk??
What a great picture!! I just saw this on Maria's too! How fun for the girlys.
Depleting the Ozone layer again?? heehee...
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