Who Needs Gucci?
Thursday, December 10, 2009 Edit This 23 Comments »Last year I posted Christmas gift ideas. This year, I have only one item to promote.
(This is a subtle hint for MM to get me one.) I wonder what employees would think when you walk into a store with this? Would they insist on checking your bag before you leave? Would you let them? How far are stores allowed to go anyway? How do you shop with this bag and not get arrested?
This would be akin to walking into a bank holding a bag saying, "Bank Robber." Or, going into a restaurant buffet with a bag saying, "Binge Eater". Or, going to a movie theater with "Camcorder Pirate". Or, walking onto a Military Base with "Suicide Bomber".
I've just had a brilliant idea! This could make a really good reality show! It fits the criteria, ie - as far from reality as you can get and nothing you'd normally be interested in but you get sucked into watching it anyway.
Excuse me, I need to call Ashton Kutcher...

23 brilliant observations:
Maybe you could wear a Terrorist t-shirt in an airport. What could possibly go wrong?
You're easy to shop for, if that's all you're asking. Next year you should ask him for a shirt that says "Habitual Liar" and wear it to court.
or you could have a scripture case that says, "Catholic".
You crack me up! :)
Oh, I could have one and take it to work "Hag" I'm a nurse, I think that would be funny.
Or "druggie" hmmmmm I wonder if my employer would keep me as an employee for long or how long before I would be asked to submit to a "random" urine test.
Ya, girlfriend, you got a great idea going here, you really should run with this!
That bag is too funny! I like your ideas for other ones too.... With all this blogging, twittering and facebooking (?) we seem to be into, why not advertise our less than stellar qualities when we're offline as well??
Or go to work with a jacket that says, 'Lazy backstabbing gossip.'
I want one. And I want one right now. I'd do it! Reminds me of a few years ago when I was in Wash. DC and I bought a black t-shirt with FBI in white on the front just to be funny. I got it home and it became one of those crap shirts that you wear only around the house. One day I went out to some store and somebody actually asked me if I was with the FBI. Then on the way home, I stopped to get gas and the manager came out and asked what was going on. Sheesh! I tossed the stupid shirt into the garbage. Should've kept it. I've thought since of a million things I could have had fun with it.
That would make a great show, I would watch it :)
Yep. Gotta get me one of those bags. How about a big sign you could magnetize to your car, that says, "Campaign for the Advancement of Legally Blind Drivers"?
With all those crazy ideas from your commenters, you could set yourself up a rockin' online business selling T-Shirts and bumber-stickers! Too funny!
This one made me happy! I'm gonna have to force my husband to read it, cause he'd think it was hilarious!
NOTE: The word verification is "dearfool", I hope it's nothing personal!
I wonder if this was how Winona Ryder got her start...
if the bag fits...
That is dang funny. Maybe you should open your own business with your "bags with a statement"
I hope that one of your resolutions is to blog more!
Hey! I'm missin' ya!
Get back here!
That bag is awesome! I would totally watch the tv show.
Helllllooooo???? Where are you? I am really missing you. I hope all is well.
HALLOOOOO?? Anybody there?? Come on, I'm missing that brain the size of a planet!
I am with DeNae and Sherrie! You still out there?
I'm with Kristina. What happened to ya'. Commmmmmme bbbaaaaaaaccckkkk, Lassie. Whoops...got away from myself there for a minute.
Hey, are you ever coming back? I am tired of waiting.....!!!
:::tap tap tap:::
Anybody in there?
I'm missin you.
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